Mainan Orang Kaya, Dijamin Mahal

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Pengen tau maenannya orang kaya gan?Ni ane kasih tau maenan ane tiap hari

Mega Yatch:

Purchase Price: $6,750,000
Yearly operating costs: $1.025 million

Private Jet:

Purchase price: $50.5 million
Yearly operating costs: $2.5 million


Purchase price: $6.5 million
Annual operating costs: $1 million

Exotic car and driver:

Purchase price: $380,000
Yearly operating costs: $70,000 or higher

Private island:

Purchase price: $55 million
Annual operating costs: $200,000 and up

Country club:

Initiation fee: $500,000
Yearly membership: $25,000


Twelve-day European tour: $36,097, plus expenses and airfare.

Personal chef:

Annual cost: $80,000 to $150,00

Designer Clothing:

Annual costs: $100,000

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